Bully’s Blog #3
Settling into Argentina now. The team is getting over the jet lag and the intensity has lifted.
We have had three days training. The focus has been on starting and coming to terms with the river currents. To get good starts in any regatta is imperative. Yachting is unique in that you have to jostle for position on the line and using the sailing rules to get to the best spot. The sailor in that time needs to be quite assertive. A bad start will not end your race but it will make it a lot harder to do well. We had a masterclass from Francisco who jumped into one of our boats and took the kids on. Bravo!
The weather for the most part has been very hot with light winds. This has been good for our sailors to work on new skills and refine techniques. The most we have had is 13 knots late one afternoon but otherwise very patchy. Yesterday we only had a short session in the mouth of the river as out on the race course there was no wind. The sailing area is a long way from the club and quite a sail or tow out.

The Australian team of nine boats has been training in light airs at Club Nautico Albatros in Argentina.
The Club Nautico Albatros is getting quite a regatta vibe about it now with the other teams all arriving and setting up. Lots of colour and action. Last night we had our team dinner at a local ristorante.
Looking ahead the weather is our only main concern as the light drifty conditions look to continue into the world championships post Christmas. I know I am with all the competitors in wishing for fair winds and even competition. Even if it means sailing less races than the allocated 12. In order to have a series we must complete at least 3 races and it is not unusual at light air venues for shortened series to be the case. The sailing instructions are up on the website and courses will be triangles with windward leeward legs not the usual trapezoid. So once again a little adaptation required.
The inclement weather means we have to be very flexible in our training, yesterday we took the opportunity for each team to have a one-on-one with the coaches with good feedback.
Thanks for all the support from back home, it lifts the kids.