Been a hectic couple of days since last blog post.
Winds are very variable and we have encountered extremes. Light winds on Tuesday which saw us train immediately outside the harbour for an hour before it completely died out. So a nice easy day which was due after some long training days.

Measuring got underway.
Yesterday was a highlight of the trip so far, we went out and had a sail on the outer harbour, pairing our boats up and checking if one side of the course was favoured or not. As we returned home we were met by Dr Brett Mason, the Australian Ambassador to The Netherlands. He watched us do a few drills and once ashore met and spoke to the team. Thanks Brett for coming, to Peter Alexander for organising and to Emma Hooper for the original instigation.
Following this we had a team dinner last night at a local restaurant. I think our group numbers over 60 and they even had a menu prepared for us. The food was first class and rounded out a good day.
Today we had our measuring in and all went well. It is always a little stressful but the process and officials participating were first class. Thanks to all involved.

The Australian team preparing for the upcoming Worlds.
Our intentions had been to go for a quick sail after the measurement but winds of 28-30 knots meant it was considered a bit risky. Our kids could have handled it well enough but being so close to the regatta and with such shallow water which could damage masts if boats became inverted. We decided to steer a prudent course.
In light of this we may sail tomorrow morning if wind abates. That will be our final sail before invitation race and opening ceremony the day after which is always a buzz.
Kids (and coach) are getting nervous and that is a good thing as we close out our preparation.
Danke Je, Bully